positive Support System

In recovery it is said to change your people, places, and things. When looking at this sometimes it is hard to change your people in your life. At times these people can be your family members and friends that you are asked to change. This does not mean you have to turn your back on them or love them any less. What this means is that you have to love yourself enough to establish healthy boundaries and limits you will not cross. In this section I will explain why it is important to have a healthy support system in recovering and why loving from a distance maybe the best option for you in recovery.

A healthy, positive support system provides practical and emotional support to help aid you in your substance abuse recovery. Individuals that can make up a positive support system are or can be:

  • supportive non-using family members

  • sponsors/ counselors/ therapists

  • case managers

  • spiritual advocates or mentors

  • co- workers

  • probation officers

    These relationships can be crucial in your recovery journey. Having these interpersonal relationships in your life gives you a network of individuals that can act on your behalf or guide you on your journey. They offer support when needed, and can share their shared experiences as encouragement. The most important thing they provide is the knowing you are not alone.

    You can find support systems through treatment centers, meetings, churches and community agencies/ organizations.

    Changing your people, places, and things can be difficult, but necessary. Triggers are everywhere. If you are hanging around the same people you used with and you have a bad day, or you are having a craving what do you think could potentially happen? If you go to the same places that you used to go to pick up or use do you think you would be triggered? Even with things can be triggers depending on the person the things will be different that can trigger a individual to use.

    Main point is that to change and prevent relapse you have to do things differently than what you have done in the past. A individual is encouraged to use their positive support to guide them in their new uncharted territory, to give light to the dark areas, and assist the individual in areas of their life where change is required for their own personal growth.


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